Does a New Building Need Drain Care?

Does a New Building Need Drain Care?
Friday, June 28, 2024
drain care

Does a New Building Need Drain Care?

你有一栋全新的建筑,有新的固定装置,新的管道. 所以,你为什么要费心去做排水管护理呢? It’s not like your facility is experiencing any wear and tear; it just opened.

自1911年以来,State Chemical一直在生产和销售化学解决方案, 自从澳门威尼斯人赌城网站存在以来,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站就经常听到这样的想法. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站知道,当你的建筑焕然一新时,你不会看到任何问题. 在这种情况下,很容易觉得排水管护理是不必要的.

然而,新建筑需要排水保养,以保持这种新鲜感和缺乏管道问题. 在本文中,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站将解释在新建楼宇内进行排水渠维修的好处. 读完后,你就会明白为什么下水道护理对新设施很重要.


没有任何明显的问题,很容易注销排水维护. Out of sight, out of mind, after all. 然而,排水问题的主要原因是积聚,而积聚确实发生了 regardless of your building’s age.

When anything goes down your drain, fats, oils, and greases (FOGs) go down your drain with it. 即使你洗手,身体油也会被冲进水槽. 这些雾气会变硬,粘在你的管道里面.

想想人体——也就是动脉. As a child, you have a clean slate. The blood runs smoothly; there are no blockages or clogs.

However, if you eat a lot of greasy, fatty, salty foods, 随着年龄的增长,你的动脉会开始从血管壁向内堵塞just like a pipe.

You might not see the impact of FOGs on your new pipes instantly; it could take months or even years. 但就像照顾孩子一样,如果你不给排水管一个“健康的饮食”,可以这么说, buildup will start somewhere. Once it starts, it only continues to build.

And once it builds, this buildup will form clogs and backups as well as attracting odors and drain flies. 没有化学干预,即使你用 drain snake, 这些问题会一次又一次地发生, 给你的员工制造麻烦,给你的顾客带来不愉快的体验.



As previously stated, 无论你的建筑年龄如何,雾都会积聚. 当它发生时,它会更快地磨损你的设备.

当你有一栋五年的建筑在处理不断的排水堵塞时, it has aged itself. 当排水管的气味和功能与20年前的建筑一样时,它就不再具有新建筑的价值了.

这可能会影响您的设施的运营,其财产价值和您的品牌作为一个整体. 看起来不干净的设施更有可能让顾客望而却步, unclean facilities make it harder to run, 此外,买家也不会对购买一处经历了严重老化的房产感兴趣.

Meanwhile, with regular maintenance, the facility will be clean for customers, operations won’t be affected, and property values won’t dip. 总之,这些问题对你来说都不是问题.


In practice, 防止排水问题意味着完成定期维护. Drain maintainers are chemicals you can 定期在排水渠上涂抹水,以免雾气积聚. 这样可以在问题出现之前就预防它们.

此外,还有可满足不同需求的排水维护器. You can choose between emulsifiers and biologicals (or get a product containing both). You can pick manual or automated maintenance. You can apply as frequently or infrequently as needed.

Drain maintenance is highly customizable, 使其易于集成到您的个人设施, 它是你和令人沮丧的排水问题之间的安全网.



如果你选择等到你的新建筑开工 exhibiting problems在美国,预防性下水道维修可能不再可能了. Some drain maintainers, such as our product Grease-B-Gone, are strong enough to handle minor clogs, but generally speaking, 如果您的问题达到阻塞和备份的程度, 你需要一个排水管开启器或水管工反应性维护.

Reactive maintenance 往往比预防性维护成本高得多. Additionally, it 会对你的身体造成更大的伤害. 想想安排一个水管工要花多少时间, 然后谁在你的地板上钻孔来修复一段管道. 把化学物质倒进下水道要省事得多.

预防性下水道维护的前期成本和麻烦可能会给你带来压力,但是 如果你想要最有效的方法来防止排水问题放在首位, preventative maintenance is the way to go.


With a new building, you don’t see any plumbing issues, 这使得在预防性维护方面的投资难以证明是合理的. 既然你知道了排水问题对新建筑的影响,那么考虑一下吧 预防性维护与被动维护的成本比较.