
Monday, July 1, 2024
air care


在臭名昭著的“X”旁边签名可能会让你感到压力, 尤其是一份会影响到你们整个工厂的空中护理合同. 在签订具有合同约束力的协议之前,你要确定这是你自己的决定. 但是你怎么知道国家化学公司的空气净化合同是否真的适合你的工厂呢?

In business since 1911, 国家化工销售数百种化学溶液, with one of our main focuses being air care. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站与足够多的客户合作过,知道在不完全了解细节的情况下,承诺一年(或更长时间)的协议是困难的.

为了帮助您了解与澳门威尼斯人赌城网站合作是什么样的,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站写了这篇文章来解释 what an air care contract is, what ours includes, how much you’re committing to, and how it can best fit your situation. After reading, 你就会知道国家化学公司的空气护理合同是否适合你的工厂.

What is an Air Care Agreement at State Chemical?

An air care agreement is 为您的企业提供香味系统和服务的合同.

协议的具体内容因公司而异, but at its core, 空气护理协议是一份合同,确保你在规定的时间内使用某家公司的香水系统。usually a year). They, in turn, 将负责为你提供你所需要的东西,以保持你的设施闻起来新鲜.


When working with State Chemical, an agreement is a one-year contract that includes the product, 必要的设备、电池(如果需要)、安装、维修和再充电.澳门威尼斯人赌城网站与众不同的主要方面是澳门威尼斯人赌城网站提供的持续服务.

With some air care agreements, 你要么一开始就把装备运给你,要么稍后再把补装和其他替换品运给你. With State Chemical, 代表将为您的系统完成所有订单和必要的维护. 只要你方与我方签订了空运合同,我方代表将为你方代办此项工作.

Typically, this will mean monthly maintenance. 当澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的系统设定在标准速率时,它们需要 refills every 30 days. When this happens, your facility’s representative will come in, replace the fragrances, ensure the equipment is working properly, and make adjustments if needed.

The timing may vary a bit throughout the year. 例如,夏天的炎热往往比冬天的寒冷带来更多的气味. Therefore, in summer, 你可以把你的香味系统设置得更频繁一些,以消除异味, so you might need refills every three weeks. Meanwhile, 在冬天,你可能不需要频繁地打开香水系统, so maybe you only need refills every two months.

What Will My Air Care Responsibilities Be?

有国家化学公司的代表为你工作, 你们工厂唯一的责任就是每月付款. Otherwise, 代表将负责安装, refills, replacements, and other services for you.

Similarly, if you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding your fragrance system, 代表可以协助您并进行必要的调整.


For some, the concerning part of an air care agreement isn’t the air care; it’s the fear of being locked into a contract and later needing out. So, what would happen in that case?

首先,请注意,根据国家化学公司的空气护理合同, 你可以在头30天内随时退出合同. This way, if you find that our air care program isn’t for you, 你可以在签订一份长期合同之前退出.

然而,如果你错过了这个提款截止日期,你还有其他选择. 假设你的工厂被迫削减预算,此时你的合同已经签订了六个月, which means axing air care. If this happens to you, 你可以退出合同,只需支付今年剩余时间应该支付的15%. This way, we can cover the remaining costs of de-installation, 但你不会被迫继续为你不想要的系统付费.

What Different Air Care Agreements are Available?


For example, 如果一家食品加工厂要解决整个工厂的恶臭问题,就需要一个更大的系统和更频繁的维护. Meanwhile, 如果一栋办公楼想要在大堂里添加一种微妙的香味,那么它就需要一个更小的系统,而且维护的频率也可能更低.

Agreements are also adaptable based on your needs. For example, if you’re looking for ways to lower the price, 你只能在营业时间使用这个系统,这样大楼就不会在夜间散发出不必要的香味.

Additionally, agreements have a flat rate payment for every bill, 所以你不需要在夏天为额外的香水预算, for example—it's covered throughout the year. And agreements have flexible billing options (e.g., monthly, quarterly, or annually) 这样你就能以最省钱的方式付款了.

Plus, being on an agreement usually means that 如果你大量购买,你会得到折扣. Meanwhile, 如果你根据需要购买少量的产品, 你将无法获得基于数量的折扣.

If this still doesn’t sound great for you, 在许多情况下,根据需要购买产品仍然是你的一个选择. This way, 您可以管理自己的空气护理需求,并在最方便和适合您的设施时购买产品.

Contact State Chemical

签订一份为期一年的合同通常不会带来如释重负的感觉, 但现在你知道空气护理协议是如何为你和你的需求工作的了. 您与国家化学空气护理协议建立的第一步是与下面的澳门威尼斯人赌城网站联系,进行现场调查.